Wednesday 4 July 2007

No, no pictures this time, I've got something better. Here is a videoclip of my dear Irfan speak. He already started to speak the baby language weeks ago, now we finally got it on video. Paul & I smiled each time we looked at it, and I am sure you will too. My son is 64 days old today. 2 months passed so fast and just see for yourself, how much this baby has grown.

Shereen, thank you for your comment darl. I look forward to see you when I get to Singapore. Would love to know you better and thank you for reading my blog.


Anonymous said...

Ish!ish!ish...cute nye baby irfan noe how to baby talk already.. He grows so fast..

He's eyes is big,the cute adorable smile SO the everything..

we want more more pic and cool video of him please..

Jus love to see him grow!...

Anonymous said...

irfan looks malay to me. eventho alot of pple dont agree. huhuhu. :D


Sherry M. said...

Dude, its not a Q of who he looks more like, he is a growing baby, every baby will "rest" to look how nature has nurture him. Dude. TSK!

LOVE THE VIDEO!! He is really so beautiful, no??? I can also see that you guys are speaking his language as well!! He is a symphony when he talks...

Anonymous said...

hey yani,

i think irfan looks mixed. he looks like dad and mom. babies change their looks all the time. you can see that he's got daddy's looks and structure and at the same time he has his mom's look too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leza,

Cutenya Irfan...especially when he respond to daddy n mummy.Baby Sara pn dh pandai baby talk but shes more to shouting than talking...hehe.Hmm will let her enter Singapore Idol when she grows up.Take care n have a safe trip back to singapore ya....
(p.s: kiss irfan for me ya)

Hugs hugs...
Yani & Baby Sara
(Friendster name:preciousbabez)

Anonymous said...

Thats a really cute video of Irfan!
Post more of those! =)
- Azreen

Anonymous said...

first up, go tsk urself.

ive heard on how babies change their looks all the time before 'resting' to look how nature will nurture him.but cant i say what i think? and i think he looks malay. ive been saying as such, even saying it on my blog, eversince ive first saw him. my cousin hasnt got anything against my saying it, so why should u?

so keep ur 'dudes', to urself, DUDE.


Anonymous said...

ala cute sey... i love it when babies start to engage in baby talk. and de mummy and daddy are good at baby talk too, it seems. haha.

seeing tt video has awakened my maternal instincts. hee. well, for tt i have to get married first. hmmmm... maybe not so soon la. =p

Rush Wosaini(Mrs Minyak) said...

alahai...cute nyer....dah pandai mengagar(baby talk).... he looks strong too,to be able to sit straight for at least a good 30 sec or more before toppling....

cute nyer.... bila lah nak dukung irfan....ekekke...

Sherry M. said...

everyone has a piece of mind, but its better to keep it at a friendly level, no? TSK.
Leza, your family rocks :)