Monday 2 July 2007

I am seriously not joking when I say this baby is a blessing. For starters, he sleeps so well at night since the day we brought him home, that Paul and I never complained of being sleep deprived. Secondly, he is so healthy and never fall sick - thus we are never worried about his health. Well, they say breastfed babies are usually very healthy. What can be more satisfying that to see our growing baby boy starting to smile, respond and interact. I have been consuming some fish oil tablets which is high in Omega-3 for Irfan's healthy brain development and intelligence boost. Insyallah he will be a smart son of mine in future. Just like his daddy.

People complaint how newborns or babies change so much of their lives. Don't get me wrong, I do agree with them. My life for instance, has drastically change. Things that you plan to do, no longer follows your schedule. It follows the routine of your child, on when he is awake or when he gives u your "alone" time if he sleeps. I set myself stuff to do each day, but can never predict what time it can be done. When Irfan is sound asleep, that's when I start doing my stuff and hopefully complete it by the time, Irfan and I snuggle for our night sleep. And so far, everything is organised as plan. When I say Irfan is such a good boy and maybe different, I maybe right. He sleeps on long-haul flights and what's more amazing is that he sleeps through movies too. Believe it or not, Paul & I went to the movies with Irfan and I would proudly claimed, we have no problems. They didn't specify if you can or cannot bring in babies to the cinema and I wouldn't abandon Irfan into the care of someone else, just to watch some movies. But last fortnight, the three of us caught the movie Fantastic 4 and it was fantastic. Then, just earlier today, we watched Transformers. Irfan sleeps through the loud noise, easy. Transformers movies is a 2 thumbs up by the way - its your loss to miss it. I reckoned it should hit #1 in the Box Office. Next plan is to watch Harry Porter sometime this July. I am confident, Irfan, my baby boy will be a good baby as always. See, I am blessed.

I met a wonderful lady by the nick of Venus through friendster. Her real name is Sherin. Like me, she is a Singaporen who married to an Australian and migrated to Australia (Perth), as well as blessed with a beautiful baby girl who is 18 months now. We met last year through friendster and she was always sending me messages of encouragement and well wishes from the time Elman is gone, and Irfan is here. And now that her company has been posting her in Melbourne for a couple of days, we finally caught up with each other. She is indeed a wonderful friend, as wonderful as she already is online. We had a good time, just chatting away of course mostly of motherhood now that we are both mothers. I am not sure when we'll see each other again now that we are leaving for Singapore permanently. But Sherin, keep in touch no matter what and please ring me each time you return to Singapore for your annual family visit. And update more of your baby girl photos, will you? Here is her picture with Irfan. And by the way, she said Irfan looks so much like Paul.

Isn't it interesting - how my circle of friends have expanded through the world of friendster and blogging ? I didn't felt alone like I used to when I first migrated. Though most new friends, are those I never met before, but their messages and comments have always been appreciated and make my day! With that mention, to you all, my friends on friendster, thank you.

One day, last few weeks, a lady called Erna O'dell happened to stumble of my profile on friendster on her brother's labtop. She does not have an account on her own, but through some ways, she found my email address and she sent an email to me introducing herself. Till today, I have not seen her though since her first email, we have exchanged emails and speak regularly on MSN. But though we have not meet eye to eye, this lady has so much in common with me. So much that it shocked me in the beginning, then makes me feel even more not alone, when you have someone in the exact same boat as you. There are so many more things to share, and she has been my close friend now. (if she may not have realized) and her friendship derived from friendster. And to her beautiful heart and being my friend, is another reason I am thankful for.

You see, she is in her mid-twenties, which is as young as I am. She is a Malay Singaporean who married a Caucasian Australian, have a beautiful son, Salleh Michael O'Dell who is 10 months old now, and lived in Australia. She went through Caesarean giving birth to Salleh, her husband is a Muslim before they were married, and she is a housewife like me. When we speak more of our lives, the things she face being married with a Caucasian and being pregnant in a foreign land, bringing up a Muslim son in the Australian society, the feeling of migration, etc etc are exactly what I am facing, encounter and feel. I am not alone. I have her, to listen and to share. Once, when I told her about the love I've lost, she told me not to cry. And her console, makes me imagine that if she were to be beside me, she will wipe that tears of mine.

Thank you Erna sweetheart. Thank you for the very first email you sent that sparked off this beautiful friendship, one of the best I ever had. It was only last month when we are strangers, and now, we are close friends. I look forward to see your darling Salleh and pass on kisses to him for me, each and every day.

I have not asked her permission to put this up, but I really want all who read to know this lady with a very beautiful heart and a beautiful son.
Did I already mention she has a beautiful son? He really is!


kerepekpenyek said...

Hi i ws bloghopping. Hehe ur baby is so cute. And i agree ur fren's baby is beautiful...:)

Sherry M. said...


Your a beautiful person :) I dont know you but somehow, someways, you make feel beautiful in many aspects :)


Unknown said...

Fun fact: I search my name and I found this wow.

Unknown said...

This is salleh btw