Thursday 28 June 2007

I am a funny person you know. I put up as many Irfan's pictures, and I looked at it so many times on my computer when Irfan's is asleep. Seriously, I miss Irfan when he is asleep. Babies get tired much easily so after 2 hours of being awake and playing, they only want to be fed and put to sleep again. Irfan is sleeping about 15 hours a day so when he is asleep, I wish he is awake. At times, when he is awake, he needs attention, then I wish he goes back to sleep. Hehe.

Umar, since you always wear pink and wishes to see Irfan in one, this is the best I can do. Irfan in his pink bunny wrap. I don't have outfits in girlie colors ok! But to me, doesn't really matter what colors he wears. Except, pink and blue clearly differentiate boy and girl. So later on, when my daughter come
s along, and both their clothes of various colors, it could be difficult telling which is who's.
My son now poo once in 2 days. According to the doctor, that is normal and healthy. We still have quite a load of nappies of pee still. Irfan sleeps with me every night, and it's comforting to see him snuggle up next to me. Very cute, and now I think I finally get the point in my head, and I am a mother. And that, my son is here by my side. He is growing up so fast, and everyone on the street loves looking and asking about him. Makes me a proud mom, as always.My husband is cooking tonight as the chef is serving his last week at work. I got one other staff on duty as I doubt it will be busy tonight. Like I mentioned before, it's winter. Like everyone, I too rather stay home. I am supposed to list the furniture and car for sale on the website and Ebay which is not done. Been rather slack today. I need to get them done tomorrow for sure. Also, need to clean and vacuum the house, and I did some printing jobs to promote the new Winter Menu. We still got 2 months here, so I was hoping to collect as much money within next 2 months to bring back more to Singapore on top of the money we get from the business sale. We have 6 bank accounts here in Australia inclusive of 2 business accounts, 2 credit cards and 2 personal ones. I need to close these accounts by next month. What else? Hmmm, need to arrange to send the coffee table & dishwasher to the farm for Mother Rae and Dad Desmond. Theirs was not working well, and since our dishwasher is still in excellent condition, we'll send it to them. Question is: How to go back farm after we sell our car? Maybe borrow Sandi's car I guess!

I am waiting on July to check once more with the ICA Singapore with regards to Paul's Singapore Permanent Resident Application status because I want him to get a job as a JC Maths Lecturer/Teacher with MOE as soon as we arrived in Singapore. I need Paul's CPF to start up and running in order for me to apply for HDB. CPF, in other words called Superannuation here, can be transferred from Australia to Singapore. That would even make things better because we can use his Superannuation as part of the deposit for our Singapore HDB which means less liquid cash.

Ok enough blabbering tonight. I got so many clothes to fold. My husband has been doing the washing - wash after wash and I am very far behind him in keeping up with the pile of clothes to fold. Irfan just went to bed, I should be doing so too. Still got much errands and paperwork to do. I am a housewife, but still working at home! Singapore, we'll be back soon....

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