Wednesday 27 June 2007

The business is sold. When my husband left the engineering field last year, we decided to start some business of our own and we bought a restaurant. There were ups & downs to handling business, not to mention staff and paperwork. But we are glad that the last one year, we worked for ourselves, worked so much less too. It's great especially now that bub is here, so everyday of our lives since he was born, is spent mostly with him. We didn't miss his first smile, or first laugh and we enjoy every moment he is here.

My chef once mentioned to me that he knew a couple of F&B business for sale yet after many years, still not sold. We were worried at first if ours weren't going to. But after 10 days of listing it, we sold it. We were lucky I would say, but at the same time, I was once after all a sales & marketing professional before marriage, so it seems I haven't lose that magical touch of selling. We got it sold at a price we wanted and with that profit, we can start anything we want in Singapore as well as making the deposits of our new home.

The restaurant was taken over by an Asian lady who will be making security dep
osit next week as we sign over the legal papers of changeover, and full settlement of the balance 90% is due in 60 days from July 1st. We are left with 2 months to trade before we officially hand over the keys to the business and apartment to its new owner. After that 2 months is complete, hopefully my husband's PR will too. Then we be busy booking our one way ticket and set off to go.

In the meantime, the annual tax return is due soon this month. The changeover of all licenses and utilities, the packing up, selling the car and the furniture & making our last trip to the farm to meet our in-laws. I knew they will be missing us greatly but the one thing good about them, they are always very supportive. They have confidence Singapore is a very educated place for bub in future, and as grandparents, they want the best for Irfan which we do too. But I'll definitely be missing them. Paul & I commit ourselves to return to visit them at least twice a year, Easter & Christmas. Last 2 years, we always gather for Christmas and open up the presents by the Xmas tree. Every year I make sure we will. And now that Irfan is here, we are excited to see what are the presents for him for his first Christmas!

Of course, be missing our beloved sister, Sandi Parker. She has been visiting us every fortnight to catch up with the development of Irfan. As family, she is one of the most important people in Irfan's life and he has got to know her as he grows up.I hated this country - for many reasonable reasons.The weather sucks. Now that we are stuck in winter for the next 3 months, today's recorded temperature is 10 degrees day and 5 degrees at night, accompanied with rain. It has been raining since yesterday night till tonight as I typed this entry and we have not seen the sun at all. Winter can be depressing you know. Business tonight was quiet as well - and I understand due to this kind of weather, wet and cold, I too would rather stay home. Another reason is the cleanliness. There is vandalism and graffiti everywhere. This seem to be an unsolvable problem here and it is getting out of control. Most buildings, tracks, path are vandalised badly. So prominent that it looks so ugly. And roadsides, footpaths are not as clean as Singapore. Litter is everywhere here. I never come across a road-sweeper before here. We, in Singapore, should start appreciating the existence of these humble workers for the things they do that make our environment a pleasant place to live in. You may think that don't affect you, but trust me, cleanliness outside your own home, does matter! Next comes the poor public transport. The trains comes every 15 minutes, and when it does, all cars on the road had to stop in its path. The buses comes every 1 hour and stops at 7 pm. However, there was this one I waited for a bus from 5 pm and until 7 pm, it still didn't arrive. From then on, I hated the bus service. Also would like to add, people here kept committing suicide by jumping on train tracks, and this causes delay or the train service for that line to be suspended the whole day - causing inconvenience to other commuters. The taxi rides, not to mention, are so expensive. A half an hour ride to the airport from our house cost A$80. No thanks!

I can seriously go on and on about the things that put me off, especially malls and shops close at 5 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Sundays. So save your money to shop on the
rest of the week. So knowing I can finally come back home to Singapore - it makes me over the moon. If you hate Singapore, I have no comment to add. Now that I have lived in a foreign country, it makes me more appreciate of home. Real Home.

Yes I know I owe my readers and friends pictures of Irfan. Good news is I found the charger and now my camera is back to work. I have been taking some pictures earlier and hope you
like his pictures. I would say he look so much different now, and most of you will agree with me.

Based on his last check up, my handsome baby boy is now 4.8 kilos and 57.5 cm long. As usual, healthy and strong. He loves opening his eyes much wider now, always curious to see his surroundings, wants to play more and sleep less, and talks a lot. Seriously a lot. I was told he can see us vividly now, so... forgive Irfan if he cries in your cuddle. He only has his parents to hang out with each day, so other people are complete strangers to him. Here are some of his pictures. And if you would like to print them, and place them under your pillow as you sleep, you may. :) ** Kidding **
Tomorrow is mid week. Time flies fast. Daniel Irfan is now 8 weeks old. See... time flies really fast doesn't it, and I am trying my best to keep up with it. I will be sleeping all smiles tonight, with Irfan by my side, as I imagined what a wonderful life it will be in Singapore for my beloved husband, myself and my miracle - my son.

PS: The "buai-buai" given by someone for Irfan last week - well, sorry let's just say it didn't work out with Irfan. But I appreciate it anyway. Shall keep for my next bub !

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