Friday 13 July 2007

ICA contacted us asking for further documentation to support Paul's PR Application. I've got them faxed and explained why we can't hand it in person, cos we are living in Australia. I hope that should suffice to pre-approve him entering Singapore as a permanent resident. Also, my son (who is a Singapore citizenship) is eligible for the Singapore baby bonus. That's great as we intend to save it for his future. It's quite a huge sum in his bank account soon despite him being just two months old - from the Australia Baby Bonus, Singapore Baby Bonus. In fact, Australia government even give me some maternity payment allowance as I am not a working mom. I intend to save it all up and put into Irfan's bank account. Alamak, macam gini, Irfan bank account in fatter than mine!

It's about 6 weeks to go before I have vacate this apartment and hand over my restaurant to its new owner. Will be spending some time at the farm with the in laws as we wait for the date of departure. I have not bought the tickets yet as am waiting on my husband's permanent residency. Only then, we can apply for a one way trip. I have sent email to the Australian International School in Singapore as I heard they prefer Australians teachers and their remuneration is much better than Singapore government schools. If my husband can't get a profe
ssion with A.I.S., then he'll settle with M.O.E. I am counting down to coming back to Singapore, and I have applied for a rented apartment from H.D.B. so I'll have a roof over my head in the meantime while Paul settles in his new job, and as we hunt down a home for ourselves. We are eyeing for an executive mansionette perhaps in Bedok, Simei or Tampines. I have always been associated with the east and that's the preferred location for where I call home.

Sometimes in this married life, I have given some thoughts to memories about my singlehood 3 years ago - that is, before I even have a serious thought of marriage in my head. Anyways, as you may know how matured I was to be working and travelling at young age. Yes, I was dead serious in work! (and tutoring) So busy that I missed out on many things youngsters consider fun today. I did club a few times (which can be count by my fingers) - not much, with friends and most of the time, when I did, I didn't remember having so much fun. Not the company. but the atmosphere. Other times, when I did enter clubs, are usually business purposes, where my overseas counterparts affiliates are in town. Every weeknight after work when I didn't travel, I went straight to students' home to teach as much classes as I can possibly fit. What was I missing out?

I hardly been to common places even like Tampines Mall. Basically cos I didn't have the time, and I did my massive shopping when I possibly have time, is usually overseas. The only sport I played after I left school was golf at the Jurong Country Club and I have thoughts of taking up tennis! The only time I dyed my hair is for it to become blacker than ever. Somehow as I was growing up, having blackest of black hair makes me look ehem.. jambu. (that was then, I am not now) I have never did manicure and predicure in my life. Last year was the first time I own my own digital camera. I never use a USB and if you give me an Ipod or MP3, I'll go, huh? I have absolute no clue how to download music. I always have been using phones to call or sms - My preference are phones without gadgets or functions like camera, video, er.. no thanks! And what the hell is Bluetooth? The only accessories I wear are gold. Before I got married, I did not cut my hair for 5 years. Which means, I am not a regular to the saloon. My husband cut my hair last year April after I fell into depression, I was not combing my hair and it became the biggest dead knot I have ever seen. My husband gave up on my hair. I maintained a one hole per ear. There are so many more, that I do not have to explain and you could already what kind of person I am - to simplify in one word - BORING !

Well, I am trying not be a boring mom to Irfan though. Speaking of my beloved one, he is turning 11 weeks this Tuesday. Phew, the clock ticks so fast and as it seems, Irfan is getting smarter and smarter by the days. This past week, he has been chatting too much until I gave up on him. You're too talkative, Irfan. Girls will be put off that way, you know. Anyways, his intelligence is amazing - that I can't deny. Paul & I are planning to buy this massive world map to be attached onto Irfan's bedroom wall in Singapore later so he can learn the countries and world's famous cities as he is growing. It will cost us USD $250 inclusive of freight from the United States. Definitely worth it.

Paul has been busy with a game he downloaded from the internet - which teach you step by step to be a pilot, fly a virtual plane on real streets. He even bought a joystick (without my permission) to make his playtime more fun! He's glued to the computer and I have been the one changing Irfan's nappies now. He has intentions to pursue a pilot's license with the Flying School in Singapore.

Business this week is so quiet like never before. It's times like this, that makes me feel glad I am finally selling the business. Don't get me wrong, last week for example was really good, there are just some shitty weeks in this industry which are unpredictable, but still something you need to tolerate. At least, I have made myself some good profit selling it away and I do have plans to start something in Singapore. Just plans for the moment - especially since Irfan is still very young.

I spoke to someone about hiring a maid and realise just how cheap it actually is. I have thoughts if hiring one next year even if I am a housewife. She is to help me with the chores whilst I can concentrate on Irfan. Later on in the years, I need to be really busy educating Irfan as he will be home-schooled. But hiring a maid, means there is no more privacy at home, and it's a big deal for me to give that up considering we have live on our own since we got married. So perhaps - no?

The fasting month is coming. I didn't manage to fast last year as I was pregnant. As some of u may know, Irfan's while in the womb, takes a lot of nutrients out of me, and if I did fast, I think I could be admitted into hospital due to dehydration and starvation. So that was why I missed fasting last year. I intend to, this year but I am breastfeeding. I should try a few days and see how it goes. If I end up fainting, I might not fast this year. But insyallah, I'll get through and yet making sure I eat well so Irfan will not be deprived of the nutrients he req
uire. Another 7 more months to go, before I finish breastfeeding.

Breastmilk is the best source of nutrient for a developing baby. I have nothing against those who fed their babies with formula for whatsoever reason, but for those who would like to know more, I hope they understand that breastmilk is the most valuable gift you can give to your baby. And as long as you have the will and capacity to breastfeed, please do. The first year after a baby is born is when his/her immune system develops. Immune systems helps the child to be immune to diseases making them strong, healthy and hardly or never
fall sick. This developing immune system will last them their whole life. If you breastfeed them, their immune system will develop so well that even after they finish breastfeeding, they are strong enough to fight any diseases they may pick up till they die. That is how essential breastmilk is to a baby not for short term only, but for long term. If you read up on the internet or books about what the breastmilk contains, you'll be amazed at the nutrients in them that no formula can match. That is Allah's gift to you to give to your child. And once I read, even when the babies are born premature and require more nutrients that a full term baby does, the breastmilk of the mother is regulated and produced by the body to such that it provides the exact nutrients the premature baby needs. Isn't our body amazing, that's why they say, mothers knows best!

As long as your baby is breastfeed, it will be hard for him/her to catch even flu. If he is in a confined area where bacteria lurks, make sure you are there too. So if you capture that same bacteria in yourself, your bodies will produce antibodies to fight these bacteria and these antibodies will be transferred to your child via the breastmilk, and he/she too can fight the same bacteria at ease and will not fall sick. Keep your newborns near you, moms.

There is so much about baby development. My husband is an avid reader, and he always explains to me for the things he decide to do, for me to eat, or for Irfan. He is knowledgeable about pregnancy and baby's development more than me, and his guidance is priceless. Thank you Paul for giving me this healthy bub, who is never a worry.


Anonymous said...

such a somehow reminds me of my first delivery....

Rush Wosaini(Mrs Minyak) said...

well.... great tips sis... wuld be helpful fr me in the future...

Sherry M. said...

Mana are the pics sista! I wanna see more of him lah!! geram saya tengok muker baby awak, hmprf!! Im back in Singapore btw....:D

Sherry M. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry M. said...

heh, i left 2 same comments hence the deleted portion and i also wanna add that the winter cold pic of irfan is to die for.....shhooooooooooo cuteeeeeeee