Friday 6 July 2007

Two years ago, I was always moving around,either rushing from appointments to another or waiting along at the airport for my flight overseas for business. Then I always had a stylish handbag (with a mobile phone, cosmetics kits, purse and palm top in it) and a labtop everywhere I go. I cannot help myself to work. On weekends when I don't have to enter office (though sometime I do), I spent the whole day of 12 hours tutoring from home to home. Teaching is a passion - and I simply love children. All these took place from when I turn 18 till I got married at 20. That was how my youth was spent.

Today, I've packed away those business suits, no longer carry a labtop wherever I go, and in my bag are nappies, towel, baby pilchers, extra baby wear and my purse. My husband choose not to hold a wallet, as he rather have me handle the finance entirely. And most of the time, I couldn't care less if our mobile phone is brought along or left at home. Unless, of course, I am expecting an emergency call.

Amazing back in those days how mobile phone bills raised ceiling high easily with the
thousands sms I sent, and now I have trouble finishing a $30 monthly credit on my phone. How last time, you took advantage of the incoming free calls and was always chatting with someone every other time but now, the ringing of mobile phone I couldn't care less to answer. And sometimes wish, no one will call me or Paul.

The day I accepted a proposal from this Australian is the point of my life graph, where everything takes a different direction. I knew what is on this path of life I chose, and I was confident, giving up the fun lifestyle of modern career woman, was going to be worth it. I was happy where I was back
then - having a good career at mere 18 and was traveling the world (on paid expenses mind you) before I hit 20. My life was absolutely fine, without a husband and without a son.

I lived fine without Irfan back then, but now since Irfan came
, I don't think I can ever be fine without him.

Marriage is a beautiful union. They say love comes when you least expect it, and love gives you the happiness that no money in the world can buy. True. I felt what it feels to love and be in love, to be so secured in a relationship that your husband is always by your side, to be so blessed with a family.

My friends are slowly getting married, one after another. I wish them all the best for the mosque they have built, and may their lives also be filled with bundles of joy in near future. Looking their wedding photos and the happiness in their eyes, reminded me so much of what it felt on 19 November 2005 - when I got married. That moment was one of the best in my life. For those who have not yet seen the wedding photos, here they are. The difference is now, we are no longer pengantin baru, but pengantin lama... tapi belum veteran lagi. :)

And 18 months later - comes our precious bundle of joy. Daniel Irfan Parker, who have recently labelled as talkative or banyak songeh. View his video in my precious entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey babe..

you really have a fast & perffect life i must say. How did you manage to get such a job after A levels?
That's so're an inspiration..=)
