Thursday 31 May 2007

How can u resist him? All my family members can't.

Yes, he is wearing pink. But it's a boy. Hehe. See how wide his eyes open, yes in this picture, he is fully fed and not sleepy. So is busy turning around, very curious with his surroundings, though I think what he sees at 30 days old, are just shadows. Explains why he doesn't recognise us. Heh.

We spent 5 hours at ICA last Wednesday, applying for Paul's PR and Irfan's citizenship.. Phew, that's done. Irfan is approved anyways and have paid $160. Paul's PR takes longer to be processed and pay upon approval. With a degree and being married to me (a Singapore citizen) I hope Paul's PR don't get held up. We wait for results soon.

Today, I had a great hair-cut at Jean Yip. Trim a few inches off and my hair is soft as well. Pardon me, being excited about this as I have been to caught up with work, pregnancy, birth and Irfan in Australia that I have not made it to the hairdresser for so long. Serious. Well anyways the hairdresser was promoting 'rebonding'. Sorry la, I am a breastfeeding mother so wouldn't want to be at a hairdressers' breastfeeding. :)

It's the great Singapore sale. My husband is becoming more like me - maybe I influence him too much. He bought so many shoes, as much as me. We got some good bargains and Singapore is so so cheap. I rather spend my money here than shop in Australia. Over here, u get more for the same amount. $$$

This is my grandmother, who is now Irfan's great grandmother. She is 70 years old. Irfan is the start of the next generation for both Paul and my side. He is the FIRST great grandchild, FIRST grandchild to my parents, uncles and aunts, and FIRST nephew to my cousins. And here are pictures of the family, going go-go-ga-ga over Irfan.

Uncle Elfie, Auntie Yani & Mummy (and Irfan)
Auntie Miera & Irfan

Aunt Sery (again) & Irfan

Grandmother Ros & Irfan

Uncle Elfie (again) & Irfan

Thank you for the gifts and money - please next time don't trouble yourself.
Thanks for loving Irfan.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

My son did grab some attention whilst in Singapore. We have so many people looking into our stroller, hoping to get a glimpse of Irfan, of course after realising that Paul is a caucasian and I am a Malay - and that we are a couple. People past smiled at Irfan, some schoolkids whisper among themselves ... ' Oh, what a really cute baby'. The other adults came up to us, asked many questions about Irfan - his name, his race, his age etc etc and commented how lucky we are for being blessed such a beautiful bub.

Yes, I know and I am so grateful. So grateful that Irfan is a like the most guarded diamond in the world. Irfn, a always, you make mummy so proud. Of course, the cousins were over the moon over Irfan arrival into Singapore. Some of them already came over and more coming over the weekend. Photos taken with my cousins who are now uncles and aunt. So, Aunt Sery & Uncle Boy Boy. Congratulations for the promotion. Hehe.

Sery, Boy Boy & Me (and Irfan)

My mother bought so many stuff for Irfan just so he feels very comfortable - nappies, towels, bath basin, sleeping accessories and even a play pen. Now sure if he knows what to do in a play pen. But it sure comes in handy in future to keep him occupied. Enjoying yourself, Irfan sayang ?

And if you guys are looking out for more of Irfan's pictures, here are some to satisfy your cravings! Enjoy...

Monday 28 May 2007

We are all here in Singapore now - arrived this morning at 0130 hours EK405. For starters, it was an excellent a trip. Food was good, service was excellent and what makes the journey most pleasurable is Irfan. He was such a good baby - there are other babies on board but they all cried. I pitied their parents who looked so stressful trying to calm their babies down and not wanting to annoy the other passengers. And when I looked at Irfan, he was quiet and sound asleep. What a good mommy's boy! Please behave just as well on the way back yah.

Mommy & Daddy dotes on Irfan. Each time, Irfan made a sad face as if he is about to wail, Mom especially would be rushing to his side and start to console him, carrying him and kissing him always. It's the first grand child and great grandchild can expect how excited Irfan got the family to be. Well.. we had some sleep till 7 am and headed to Compasspoint to have some breakfast and a little shopping. Charles & Keith sale was good - bought 2 pairs of heels and I am proud of myself.

Now we are all at home resting. My dad is working today. Paul and I have an appointment with a HDB Consultant who is advising us on buying a HDB in Singapore. That appointment at 7 pm and my husband wanted to go Mustafa Centre tonight after that meeting.

My son is placed on a pram and Singapore is a very hot country. Instead of the usual thick wraps, Irfan goes around in a sleeveless singlet and his diapers. I hope he is cool enough. We have to wrap him still though so he sleeps longer, so we had him wrapped tight and he sleeps in a cool air-conditioned room.

I hope he get used to weather here especially since his parents are migrating here soon. Not much plans today, more rest since we just arrived. Tommorrow is when I headed to ICA, to apply Paul's PR and Irfan's citizenship/ passport.

I update pictures soon.

Saturday 26 May 2007

After 3 days, finally the fever went away.

But what it left me, was sore shoulders and terrible headache. So I got hubby to take me to the mall and I had a neck & shoulder massage.It was excruciating pain maybe cos my shoulder muscles are really tense. Seriously, caesarean was less painful. But it was effective.

After 15 minutes, which I paid $20, the muscles were relaxed and my headache was instantly gone. I felt fresh and healthy, and of course content. For such a small price, massages do wonders. I
wanted to give them more money for I appreciated the massage which took my killing headache away but then I thought, I might as well become their regular. Every month, that is.

Luggage for three is packed, house cleaned spick & span, business proper handover, well.. we are set to travel. Got everything ready and we are so excited to return Singapore. Hubby is more excited than me though cos he has not been back to Singapore for 1.5 yrs while I returned 3 months ago. Mother has prepared everything for us three to be comfortable at home. And she is as excited to see us too. My husband and I (and Irfan) are attending a seminar on Sat 2nd June at Stamford Hotel in Singapore - "How your baby can read before he can talk?" Interesting. Seats confirmed and we would love to find out. Irfan has quite an incredible strength for a newborn as commented by nurses and GP here, well that is because Paul has been making him exercise an hour a day. I wouldn't be surprised if Irfan can crawl as early as 4 months and walk by 7th. And when I say walking, I mean toilet-trained as well.

A regular customer came in yesterday with their daughter Ruby who is 7.5 months now. We knew this couple when the wife was about to "pop" and today that newborn is a big little infant. Ruby is 7 kilos now. And I was wondering how heavy will Irfan be since he is already 4.2 kg at 25 days old!

I was playing around with Irfan yesterday and I sang him some prayer songs and the Azan Raya. And he looked at me, with his wide grey blue eyes and flash a smile. A wide smile with no teeth. How cu
te! Yes, darling, mummy thinks you are so adorable and beautiful, and I am sure the family in Singapore will agree with me. Amazing how his features changed every day, and he looks different from how he look like when we first brought him home. He is bigger, rounder and heavier for starters. Then his features from "anak emak" becomes "daddy's boy" now. Only hair colour is mine, but still, each day that dark hair gets brighter and brighter too. His skin has lose its newborn redness, and it appeared whiter than ever, like daddy. It's daddy's eyes, mouth and ears. Except you got ear lobes just like mommy. He got fat fingers too like daddy. Haii..

We are closing the restaurant for 3 days while we are gone and our staff will run it for 4 days, while we aren't around. I hope everything will be well. We got another 2 functions on Saturday 2nd June so that's a fair bit of revenue expected and I am sure my wait staff is very capable of handling the floor. After all, he is of 10 years hospitality experience. :)

Life is great here in Australia, both hubby and I don't have to work and we have quite a fair bit to spend every week from the business. But money isn't everything. Each day since I got here, I longed to return to Singapore and it's my resolution to have the entire family to migrate back to Singapore by end of this year. My husband wants to become a JC Maths Lecturer in Singapore with MOE and he wants me to stay home and bring Irfan up. I hope we'll make it.

A beautiful lady, Shereen, wrote an entry about me... e
ntry May 5th 2007. What she wanted to express was nicely put into words, and her creative phrase just blows me over.. "It is like every step she took, her path grew beautiful flowers..." Thank you Shereen for that entry you wrote weeks ago which I just knew about. Thank you for saying Irfan is beautiful to boot.

My life has been great, I had everything but because of that everyday I woke up in fear, fear that these best things I have in life will be taken away from me. Like how I lost my first son, Elman. I pray to Allah to thank him for everything and I hope he never separate my husband and my son from me. They are my life and beating heart. My life isn't always perfect though I wanted to think it is. God gave me reasons to be happiest, not just happy, but he gave me reasons to be devastated, not just sad. I must say I felt a stronger woman each d
ay despite the things I go through, the depression demon I overcome, and the acceptance of another life despite losing the first.

Nadya, your entry in your blog about Irfan is nice too - thanks for putting up his picture and I am glad you love him too! Yes, thanks for the gifts you bought my heartbreaker and we will catch up soon. I'll buzz you as I land in Singapore.

I did come across a few other blogs writing about me and Irfan, and I would like to say thank you for complimenting Irfan non-stop. Like every other baby, he is just as cute and cuddly. Also, those who send me message to ask permission to have Irfan's pictures, yes please, I seriously do not mind. And I am sure, Irfan don't mind too.

Believe in what has been planned for you. Life is simple. If you are nice to people, then nice things will happen to you.

My husband promised me dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant we used to dine. Except now there will be 3 of us. I hope Irfan sleeps all the way and we can enjoy the great food the restaurant serves. It's Mediterranean food by the way.

Singapore, here we come! Soon, Irfan will have a Singapore citizenship and passport...

Here are the beloved cousins I can't wait to meet. Will officially introduce Irfan to you all which I am sure you guys are excited to meet. So tahun ni, jangan lupa duit raya for Irfan ok.

Thursday 24 May 2007

We are all so excited to return to Singapore.

It's about 4 days from now.

Well.. I have not packed anything yet.

In fact, I got so much paperwork to do too and its all pending.

That's cos I have been sick last 2 days. The fever seemed to subside now.

Hopefully it goes away fully soon.

Got to issue our cheques for next week for suppliers.

Staff Payouts.

Invoice Filing.

GST Updates.

New Menu starting tomorrow, so need to program new menu in the system and print the new menu. Also, design a poster to promote it.

We got a function this Friday and next Saturday to do.

Clean the house. Again.

And pack our stuff to Singapore.

And as we all know, it is the Mid Year Sale.

So, apa lagi, shop till we drop la.

Can't wait for that.

I was hoping the currency gets better.

So we get more.

Also, in Singapore applying for husband PR, Irfan citizenship, HDB House Loan..

Meet parents, stay with them... oh, it's gonna be so much fun.

7.5 hours of flight two way trip.

Irfan, please behave ok. Like how good you always have been at home.

Paul & I get 20 kgs of check in luggage.

And Irfan have 10 kgs of check in luggage.

Woohoo.. I am bringing some clothes back home.

Cos hubby and I (and Irfan) are migrating back to Singapore.

This year.

Next time, we buy a Singapore ticket, who knows.

It will be a one way ticket.


Tuesday 22 May 2007

Today isn't a very good day.

Its coming into Winter beginning of June and on average 13 degrees celsius every day.

Very cold. And yesterday I caught fever.

It was nearly unbearable.

My joints hurt, my shoulder aches, my head felt heavy, and it was extraordinary cold.

I got the heater up to the maximum. And I got my night gown on, with a jumper, and pants and socks and covered myself with two blankets.

This morning it felt better that it was yesterday. I am still a little feverish.
Hopefully I recover soon. I hate being sick.

And believe it or not, its the first time I have been sick since I migrated to Australia.
Usually its just sickness related to pregnancy. Other than that, my husband and I are as fit as a fiddle. Again, I hate being sick.

My son has grown so much since we first brought him home.

He settled in well and now start craving for physical touch.

I am not sure, if he knows I am his mother.

So everynight, I slept with Irfan and hug him as we sleep.

Paul took some videos of us sleeping together - Irfan and me.

Maybe I'll attached the video soon.

I have been in bed all day, and thank god I took a shower though late.

Cos that shower really freshen me up.

My darling husband hair-dried my hair after that.

And finally I can be bothered to walk around the house and use the computer.

And this house is in a mess. I should be cleaning it soon.

Irfan is crying now.

I have got to go.

Amazing how priorities have changed.

Monday 21 May 2007

10 years with you - Siti Hajjar

A reply to :

Yes, bestie. It has been a decade - that fast - our age is catching up with us, our lives have so much changed, our new memories adding on, yet our past never faded away.

I remembered those times, we were young, we played netball, we went to school together and we were always there for each other.

Sure, we have our squabbles and disagreements.

Times, when we never talked.

But those times are when I missed you the most.

When I see you around, and I couldn't communicate.

When I had your number, but I couldn't call.

When I miss your voice, yet I didn't speak.

Those days, we were not on good terms, were the foundation of our friendship.

Creating the pillars of strength.

That only drawn us closer.

Made us wiser.

And our friendship last forever.

This picture was 10 years ago.

This picture was 10 years after.

And they are both on my very desk in Australia.

We have changed, our lives too.

But our friendship didn't.

I love you Jaja. You, to me, are like family.

And you are now, godmother to my son, Daniel Irfan.

Even if I never say, I guessed you knew.

It would definitely be you.

I know you love me like I love you.

Now, I know you'll love Irfan just as much.

Just like your own.

If anything were to happen to me someday, I knew you would always be there for him.
Like a mother would.

Thank you for the past, the present and the future.

Temporarily distance kept us apart so long.

But someday when we reunite,

It will be permanent.

I pray Allah bless and protect you.

And when someday you become a mom, I knew it will be me.

Who will love your child just the same.

This blog is dedicated to you, Irfan

Finally I got the time to set up something for my son.

His life's journal in a blog, which I'll filled with endless memories for his review when he grow up.

It may not be the best but this blog seemed pretty pleasant to me. So as long as my choice of font is legible and make sense, then I hope those who read this, will somehow understand. Thank you to those who read Irfan's journal in life.

Irfan came on 1st May 2007 - 1452 Hours at Sandringham Hospital in Australia.

Weighed in at 3.8 kgs or 8 lbs 5.5 oz. That is a huge baby for a small built mother like me.

And thus, I had him through Caesarean at 39 weeks.

And my son came out...

Absolutely perfect.

Healthy in the pink of health.

Handsome and of course,


Thus I know he is fine.

The day we brought him home for the first time is unbelievable.

I can't wait to share our lives together yet I am still lost, needed to be convince, that this amazing creation upon my arms, is actually mine.

To keep, to hold, to love forever.

And his features just charmed me more each day.
His cries become music to my ears.
His existence completed Paul and my life.

Welcoming Irfan

You are mine, Irfan and we are yours.
For life. For all times.

I love you so much.

I know he does not really recognize his mother nor even knows I kissed him everyday.

Someday when he reads this blog, who knows. He will eventually appreciate.

I am a mother, and I am a proud one.

PS: To see pictures of his birth, here is the link