Saturday 26 May 2007

After 3 days, finally the fever went away.

But what it left me, was sore shoulders and terrible headache. So I got hubby to take me to the mall and I had a neck & shoulder massage.It was excruciating pain maybe cos my shoulder muscles are really tense. Seriously, caesarean was less painful. But it was effective.

After 15 minutes, which I paid $20, the muscles were relaxed and my headache was instantly gone. I felt fresh and healthy, and of course content. For such a small price, massages do wonders. I
wanted to give them more money for I appreciated the massage which took my killing headache away but then I thought, I might as well become their regular. Every month, that is.

Luggage for three is packed, house cleaned spick & span, business proper handover, well.. we are set to travel. Got everything ready and we are so excited to return Singapore. Hubby is more excited than me though cos he has not been back to Singapore for 1.5 yrs while I returned 3 months ago. Mother has prepared everything for us three to be comfortable at home. And she is as excited to see us too. My husband and I (and Irfan) are attending a seminar on Sat 2nd June at Stamford Hotel in Singapore - "How your baby can read before he can talk?" Interesting. Seats confirmed and we would love to find out. Irfan has quite an incredible strength for a newborn as commented by nurses and GP here, well that is because Paul has been making him exercise an hour a day. I wouldn't be surprised if Irfan can crawl as early as 4 months and walk by 7th. And when I say walking, I mean toilet-trained as well.

A regular customer came in yesterday with their daughter Ruby who is 7.5 months now. We knew this couple when the wife was about to "pop" and today that newborn is a big little infant. Ruby is 7 kilos now. And I was wondering how heavy will Irfan be since he is already 4.2 kg at 25 days old!

I was playing around with Irfan yesterday and I sang him some prayer songs and the Azan Raya. And he looked at me, with his wide grey blue eyes and flash a smile. A wide smile with no teeth. How cu
te! Yes, darling, mummy thinks you are so adorable and beautiful, and I am sure the family in Singapore will agree with me. Amazing how his features changed every day, and he looks different from how he look like when we first brought him home. He is bigger, rounder and heavier for starters. Then his features from "anak emak" becomes "daddy's boy" now. Only hair colour is mine, but still, each day that dark hair gets brighter and brighter too. His skin has lose its newborn redness, and it appeared whiter than ever, like daddy. It's daddy's eyes, mouth and ears. Except you got ear lobes just like mommy. He got fat fingers too like daddy. Haii..

We are closing the restaurant for 3 days while we are gone and our staff will run it for 4 days, while we aren't around. I hope everything will be well. We got another 2 functions on Saturday 2nd June so that's a fair bit of revenue expected and I am sure my wait staff is very capable of handling the floor. After all, he is of 10 years hospitality experience. :)

Life is great here in Australia, both hubby and I don't have to work and we have quite a fair bit to spend every week from the business. But money isn't everything. Each day since I got here, I longed to return to Singapore and it's my resolution to have the entire family to migrate back to Singapore by end of this year. My husband wants to become a JC Maths Lecturer in Singapore with MOE and he wants me to stay home and bring Irfan up. I hope we'll make it.

A beautiful lady, Shereen, wrote an entry about me... e
ntry May 5th 2007. What she wanted to express was nicely put into words, and her creative phrase just blows me over.. "It is like every step she took, her path grew beautiful flowers..." Thank you Shereen for that entry you wrote weeks ago which I just knew about. Thank you for saying Irfan is beautiful to boot.

My life has been great, I had everything but because of that everyday I woke up in fear, fear that these best things I have in life will be taken away from me. Like how I lost my first son, Elman. I pray to Allah to thank him for everything and I hope he never separate my husband and my son from me. They are my life and beating heart. My life isn't always perfect though I wanted to think it is. God gave me reasons to be happiest, not just happy, but he gave me reasons to be devastated, not just sad. I must say I felt a stronger woman each d
ay despite the things I go through, the depression demon I overcome, and the acceptance of another life despite losing the first.

Nadya, your entry in your blog about Irfan is nice too - thanks for putting up his picture and I am glad you love him too! Yes, thanks for the gifts you bought my heartbreaker and we will catch up soon. I'll buzz you as I land in Singapore.

I did come across a few other blogs writing about me and Irfan, and I would like to say thank you for complimenting Irfan non-stop. Like every other baby, he is just as cute and cuddly. Also, those who send me message to ask permission to have Irfan's pictures, yes please, I seriously do not mind. And I am sure, Irfan don't mind too.

Believe in what has been planned for you. Life is simple. If you are nice to people, then nice things will happen to you.

My husband promised me dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant we used to dine. Except now there will be 3 of us. I hope Irfan sleeps all the way and we can enjoy the great food the restaurant serves. It's Mediterranean food by the way.

Singapore, here we come! Soon, Irfan will have a Singapore citizenship and passport...

Here are the beloved cousins I can't wait to meet. Will officially introduce Irfan to you all which I am sure you guys are excited to meet. So tahun ni, jangan lupa duit raya for Irfan ok.


Sherry M. said...

Lol, I saw me name and a sentence and I felt like a superstar! ahahah, hope u mind not some of my crude sentences...and yes yes, irfan is very round and chubby, beautiful lah! have fun in singapore and yes, ur words made me just as blown away! Life is Simple.....thank you :)

Anonymous said...

kak ja. tt photo was from so long ago la. i look so kurus! ahaha

Anonymous said...

oh this is yani btw.