Wednesday 30 May 2007

My son did grab some attention whilst in Singapore. We have so many people looking into our stroller, hoping to get a glimpse of Irfan, of course after realising that Paul is a caucasian and I am a Malay - and that we are a couple. People past smiled at Irfan, some schoolkids whisper among themselves ... ' Oh, what a really cute baby'. The other adults came up to us, asked many questions about Irfan - his name, his race, his age etc etc and commented how lucky we are for being blessed such a beautiful bub.

Yes, I know and I am so grateful. So grateful that Irfan is a like the most guarded diamond in the world. Irfn, a always, you make mummy so proud. Of course, the cousins were over the moon over Irfan arrival into Singapore. Some of them already came over and more coming over the weekend. Photos taken with my cousins who are now uncles and aunt. So, Aunt Sery & Uncle Boy Boy. Congratulations for the promotion. Hehe.

Sery, Boy Boy & Me (and Irfan)

My mother bought so many stuff for Irfan just so he feels very comfortable - nappies, towels, bath basin, sleeping accessories and even a play pen. Now sure if he knows what to do in a play pen. But it sure comes in handy in future to keep him occupied. Enjoying yourself, Irfan sayang ?

And if you guys are looking out for more of Irfan's pictures, here are some to satisfy your cravings! Enjoy...


Anonymous said...

hi kak leza,

zura here...nt sure if u remember me..

btw, glad u r back...hope i'll be able 2 c u & baby soon!

n btw, hw r u n seri connected eh? shes actuali my childhood neighbour...send my regards 2 her ok..?

n oh, ur son super cute la ok!!

Anonymous said...

U and Irfan are so cute lah...and I'm sure Irfan steals the limelight here...hehe! And he look just like ur hubby.. And I hope the next one will be a girl who looks just like demure and sweet...

Anonymous said...

he looks so cute evn when he is crying....i belief he'll grow up tall and slim,just look @ his long legs....haiz,i'm swooning all over a baby...geramz....bila lah my turn...ekekek