Wednesday 6 June 2007

A baby is a blessing. With Daniel Irfan in our lives, we feel most blessed. He is everything we wanted. If there are so many people in love with Irfan, no one loves him more than his parents, no one care for him more than Paul and me. Especially me - who carried him in my own tummy for 9 months, through those morning sickness and painful joint aches, and eventually even cut through myself to have him out safe and sound. I fed him the healthiest food which made him big and healthy. It's not considered as a trouble, but pregnancy isn't that easy especially since that takes up 3/4 of a year. So if you are a parent, going through exactly what I've been through - would it every cross your mind to ever hurt your own child, your own flesh and blood, your own offspring? If I am such a mother, I don't deserve Irfan, I don't deserve to live.
Many times I have mentioned, my husband is my life and my son is my beating heart and without them, life would be pointless. No one else in this world matters to me more than them, my very own family which I've built. My love for them is unconditional, and irreplaceable. And whatever is within my power, I only intend to provide and give them the best in life.I know many people would love Irfan, especially my extended family, but that does not mean that you can get your hands into my family affairs and decide to control the way Irfan is brought up to the way you want. I feel like I am a adult, I chose to get married, choose to bear a child and choose to start my own family. Due to this, I feel, regardless whom you are, I appreciate you no longer make decisions for me.

Our holidays in Singapore was partly pleasurable, and mostly unpleasant. The good news, Irfan citizenship is on the way to Melbourne, then we can apply HLE and come back maybe in August to select a HDB on our own. Paul and I are already enthusiastic about decor and furniture for our new place. And thank god, we don't have differences in that respective.

They say the people who can hurt you the most isn't your worst enemy, but the one cl
osest to you.

** Due to some complains, this paragraph is deleted. :) **

On a different note, Irfan went for his usual check-up this week. He actually have to go every week or fortnight to see his Maternity Health Nurse who keep track of his growth. If you guys didn't realize yet, my son has start to talk - the baby language. He made those noises as if talking to communicate. We don't understand but we love hearing how happy Irfan is. His last check up was before we went Singapore exactly 3 weeks ago - today he has grown 540 grams heavier to be 4.425 kg, has grown 2 cm longer to be 55.5 cm, and his head circumference is growing 2 cm bigger to be 38 cm. They checked his strength - my son can hold up his head whilst he sit down. stand up and when he is on his tummy. They check if he reacts to sound - by using a bell- and he passed that one. And of course, the nurse too realized he has started to talk.

Healthy and happy Irfan - makes us happy parents. That's all that matters, m
y family.


Rush Wosaini(Mrs Minyak) said...

ouh no....i missed the "MEET THE IRFAN SESSION.." bz lah....nvm will catch him on the next wave...ekekke....sorry to hear of the unpleasant ness...nontheless i belief u are a pair of great parents....take care yah...n i am drooling looking at Irfan's cute...

Anonymous said...

leza,tho i dont know you but i can see that you're a blessed woman right now..esp with ur lil boy there..i felt happy for you and i know you are too..
hope we can be friends. MEL

Parker Family said...

hi melissa, yes we can be friends. If u have friendster, u may add me

Thanks angwy princess! Where is ur bundle of joy ? COming right... hehe :P)

Rush Wosaini(Mrs Minyak) said...

dear leza....belum rezki gaknya.... 2wice it was a dud.... as in i missed for like 1 month then my menses came n it was like alot....but i guess,i will just continue trying....meanwhile,i'm glad to be able to go goo goo ga ga over urs...ekekkeke...cute,cute irfan...