Monday 11 June 2007

My growing baby boy changes every day. His features became more distinctive and permanent. And he certainly look different that how we first brought him home. His hair has start to fall off, to give way to his permanent hair of permanent color to start growing. His eyes have start to lose its blueness and now very much just grey. He start talking more, becoming more alert, and interactive. I am not sure if he can already see faces or just shadows - but very soon, he should be able to see colours and more importantly, recognise his parents. Me and Paul ! Maybe by the time he can recognize his parents, he might not like to be carried by strangers.
The restaurant if up for sale. (Any interested buyers may contact me) ;) ... Hopefully we clinched a buyer in a month's time, and settlement usually take 60 days after. Once that is confirmed, then we can give out a fixed date of our permanent migration into Singapore. Though we are still awaiting results for Paul's PR application status. It is said to take about as fast as 1 month to 3 months. So by next month, hopefully we'll know the results and Paul can then apply with MOE to obtain the teaching job, and we can go ahead with selecting our HDB Apartment.

I will definitely miss this restaurant and the country (regardless how much I hate this place) but I am looking forward to Singapore. Life will be great then, our own place, maybe a small family car, living my days with my beloved son and husband, where family is near, and where my career and husband's can flourished. A perfect dream come true. And once we got all that settled down, I was hoping for another offspring in early 2009. Preferably a girl.

Tomorrow, I will be visiting my ex-colleagues at an office I used to work at during 6 months of my pregnancy - Pets Paradise. I used to be the Asst Manager there under Purchasing Department, and when I left 5 weeks before Irfan come along, they gave presents, wished me the best and was hoping to see Irfan soon. And since we were so busy travelling during first month ( to Singapore and to the country to see in-laws ) finally they are seeing him. They told me before about joining them as part time first and full time when I am ready. Initially I thought I might work again cos I love working. But since Irfan come along, it's not worth. Cos I want to see my son grow and change each day without missing his first smile, his laugh, etc etc and at the same time, I am breastfeeding so my son needs me to grow.Daniel Irfan turns 6 weeks old today. He also start playing with his saliva. Hehe. Another 6 weeks time, he will be 3 months, smilling and playing with us. I can't wait for that. And who knows, by 6 months, my son will be crawling around the house. And once he start crawling, Paul said we have to place him in a cot so he doesn't wander around at night and disappears if he sleeps on the bed.

Business has been good last week and hopefully as good this week. Next 3 months will be hectic to prepare for migration. I can already tell.


Sherry M. said...

just wat do u feed ur boy?? he is changing and is getting bigger, he looks bigger than you and so lovable! He reminds me of PatchKids, or Cabbage kids whatever...too cute lor! If any fine day our paths happen to cross, I'll not know how I'll react when I see your lil guy! I'll swoon, drool and airlift myself to the hospital, I repeat again, he's too cute lor! Tsk, tsk.
Anyways, :) your a fantastic mother, :)

Rush Wosaini(Mrs Minyak) said...

so cute...becoming cuter and cuter by each adowable....depite looking mostly like Paul he has ur big shiny eyes...ekekek...i loike...